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Friday, June 18, 2010

Nice Jewellery


Jewellery (pronounced /ˈdʒuːl(ə)ri/; also spelled jewelry, see spelling differences) is an item of personal adornment, such as a necklace, ring,brooch or bracelet, that is worn by a person. It may be made fromgemstones or precious metals, but may be from any other material, and may be appreciated because of geometric or other patterns, or meaningful symbols. Earrings and other body rings are also considered to be jewellery, while body art is not. Also, items affixed to a garment, such as buttons, are not considered to be jewellery, even if they are unusual and highly decorative. Also, items such as belts and handbags etc. are not considered to be jewellery, and are considered to be accessories.


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